According to Rudra Investment SEBI Registered Advisory, Former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha has just called election stunt to increase the MSP of farmers. He said that until the government does not make the full purchase of the crops, farmers will not be able to do good. He described the decision to increase the MSP to half incomplete. He said that raising the MSP to double the income of farmers is just one measure and that has not been extended in the right way.
The formula that is being doubled as the MSP is wrong because the entire cost of the farmers is not included in it, so the matter of giving one and a half times the MSP on the cost is redundant. Apart from this, the farmers need to be given freedom from the mandi tax so that they can fix the price of their product themselves. In order to increase the MSP, there is a need to reform to reach farmers in the mandis. As far as inflation is concerned, Yashwant Sinha has said that it will not increase inflation too.
UP farmers were not happy even with the decision to give one and a half times the support cost. He said that the cost formula of the Modi government is not correct and it will not benefit farmers.
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